C-TS462-2023 Preparation Store, C-TS462-2023 Test Discount

C-TS462-2023 Preparation Store, C-TS462-2023 Test Discount

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Our C-TS462-2023 study guide is a very important learning plan to make sure that you will pass the exam successfully and achieve the certification. Our staff will create a unique study plan for you based on the choice of the right version of the C-TS462-2023 Exam Questions. In order to allow you to study and digest the content of our C-TS462-2023 practice prep more efficiently, we will advise you to choose the most suitable version based on your time and knowledge.

SAP C-TS462-2023 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Managing Clean Core: The topic of Managing Clean Core is about applying principles to ERP to enhance business process agility and reduce adaptation efforts.
Topic 2
  • Sales Process and Analytics: Sales process and analytics is a topic that involves explaining and performing various tasks related to the sales process.
Topic 3
  • Billing Process and Customizing: This topic covers the basics of the billing process and the necessary customization settings, ensuring a smooth billing procedure.
Topic 4
  • Sales Documents: This topic covers the explanation and performance of tasks related to sales document customization, including pricing and condition techniques. It also encompasses the shipping process and its associated customization settings.
Topic 5
  • Pricing and Condition Technique: The section on pricing and condition technique falls under the broader topic of sales documents and customizing, covering related tasks and explanations.
Topic 6
  • Master Data: It includes setting up and maintaining relevant master data to ensure accurate sales and billing processes.

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C-TS462-2023 Test Discount, New C-TS462-2023 Test Braindumps

Our C-TS462-2023 practice prep is so popular and famous for it has the advantage that it can help students improve their test scores by improving their learning efficiency. Therefore, users can pass C-TS462-2023 exams with very little learning time. For another example, there are some materials that apply to students with professional backgrounds that are difficult for some industry rookie to understand. But our C-TS462-2023 Learning Materials are compiled to simple language for our customers to understand easily.

SAP Certified Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition - Sales Sample Questions (Q73-Q78):

You want to set up automatic pricing in a sales order. Which actions should you take to achieve this?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Set up condition types and assign them to the relevant pricing procedure.
  • B. Set up condition tables and assign them to the relevant access sequences.
  • C. Set up condition tables and assign them to the relevant condition types.
  • D. Set up the pricing procedure and assign it to the relevant sales document type.

Answer: A,B

Pricing and condition technique

When BRF+ output management successfully issues an output, where is the rendered PDF document stored?

  • A. Business Object Builder
  • B. OData service
  • C. Spool file
  • D. KPro archive

Answer: D

When BRF+ output management successfully issues an output, the rendered PDF document is stored in:
C . KPro archive: The Knowledge Provider (KPro) is SAP's content management system, which stores documents such as PDF outputs.

When you create a sales order with reference to a quotation, you want to ensure the entire quotation is always included in the order. Where do you make this setting?

  • A. Copying control
  • B. Order item category
  • C. Quotation type
  • D. Order type

Answer: A

To ensure the entire quotation is always included in the sales order, the setting is made in:
A . Copying control: This defines how data is transferred from one document to another, such as from a quotation to a sales order, and can be configured to ensure the complete transfer of all items from the quotation.

How do you restrict the reasons for rejection for a sales document?

  • A. Assign the permitted reasons for rejection to the relevant sales document type.
  • B. Assign the permitted reasons for rejection to the relevant sales item category.
  • C. Specify the permitted reasons for rejection in the customer material info record.
  • D. Specify the permitted reasons for rejection in the relevant customer master.

Answer: A

Which of the following is a characteristic of decision table processing as used in SAP S/4HANA output management?

  • A. It is possible to maintain one condition column cell with multiple result column cells for each table row.
  • B. Every table row is processed in sequence. In each row, every condition column cell is processed from right to left.
  • C. Every condition column is processed in sequence. In each condition column, every row is processed from top to bottom.
  • D. It is possible to evaluate the content of condition column cells by using comparison operators or value ranges.

Answer: B


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C-TS462-2023 Test Discount: https://www.bootcamppdf.com/C-TS462-2023_exam-dumps.html

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